So, a couple of months ago, I noticed this super sekrit TMI project floating around, and signed up. I received a thank you email, with more information promised to follow - and it did.
The project was for Jamie Campbell Bower. Back when he was first cast, there was a lot of backlash. And I mean, a lot. It was quite nasty, and honestly, sad. Now, finally, after the release of the trailers, some interviews, lots of support from author Cassandra Clare, most of the fandom has come to realize how wrong they were in the beginning, and feel horrible for the behavior that occurred. So a video was going to be made, where fans send in pictures of themselves and signs showing their support for Jamie, to be put together in a slideshow just for him. The first 300 photos would be used.
About five days ago now (March 22), the video went live. Understandably, a lot more than 300 people sent in pictures, so now, there is an entire site devoted to Jamie Love. All the pictures are in the progress of being posted there, and I encourage people to check it out for some exemplary artwork.
As for the video, I'll embed that down here. And if you care at all, I did happen to be within the first 300 responders (I work fast for Jamie cause he's worth it). You can see me at 4:30. Nothing fancy, just some taped pieces of cardboard and runes. But overall, it's a super sweet video, and I love being apart of this fandom <3
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